Friday, October 22, 2010


Last Saturday our family went to a fund raising event for a cute gal who has stage 4 melanoma cancer which has moved to her lungs.  Her cancer started out as a tiny mole on her thigh.  See  We especially wanted to go to support the Melanoma foundation.  Breast cancer is talked about all the time but not much is known about this terrible cancer.  So, I've made it a goal to spread the word.  The theme for the event was "Run from the Sun" which says it all.  I beg all who read this to do everything you can to avoid the harmful effects of the sun.  I say this because of these two beautiful women in my life, both of which have suffered and endured Melanoma.  My daughter Jessica and my sister Whitney have undergone surgery and treatment in the last year. We pray daily that it doesn't spread.

Melanoma is the worst form of skin cancer.  It can manifest itself in the smallest of moles.  You will want to look for any mole that looks different than any others in the area.  It may have uneven lines or be a different color.  Both Jessica and Whitney's moles looked small on the outside but had gone deep into the layers of their skin.

This event has been on my mind all week and I appreciate your time in reading this.  Please be careful and stay on the lookout for anything that looks strange on your skin.  The above picture is after my daughter's surgery.  They had to take a "shark bite" out of her leg for just a small cancer area.  She also had lymph nodes removed from her knee and thigh.

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